Bringing Healing, Wholeness and Freedom 

missional community banner

As a church, instead of meeting all together every Sunday, we meet once a month in smaller groups, this usually happens on the 4th Sunday. We call these smaller groups missional communities. The aim is to bring our shared love for Jesus that we would celebrate at a Sunday service, and bring it to an environment in the community. We want to welcome people into our family, and inviting your friends and family to these gatherings is the perfect way to do this.

We currently have 3 missional communities which you can choose between:
    - Our fist group is lead by Sam and is called 'Collective Hope' 
    - Our second group is lead by Gerard and Vicky
    - Our Third group is lead by Paul, Beth and Donna

What are missional communities like?
They will be similar to what missional gatherings have been like. It is more of a social time to be present as a family,  maybe a chance to discuss questions and time for prayer. Food and fun is always a guarantee. Sometimes we will meet in houses and chat over pastry and coffee, sometimes we might have a picnic or group walk. It is a great place to invite people to come along

Will there be a preach?
There is no preach, or structured service. But as we are passionate about Jesus, sometimes we will do some low key fun activities that help people get to experience who Jesus really is.

How do I find my missional community?
Our heart is for everyone that is part of Overflow Church is part of a missional community and find a supportive friendly environment within these smaller group. The best way to find out which group is best for you is to probably to try them out. There is no pressure to belong to a certain group so feel free to float around until you find what feels good for you.  To find out more details please chat to one of our missional community leaders or contact us.

What about mid week meetings?
For our mid week meetings we meet together in our missional communities.  As each missional community is different then each group has picked time and days that best suit their community.  Below is an overview of our midweek rhythms.

1st Tuesday
of each month
Whole church prayer meeting at Winsford Academy at 8pm.
Second week
of each month
 Deeper group (with same people as your missional community)
Third week
of each month
Week off (this week will allow us to have an IPOD, intentional place of discipleship, for those leading missional communities and areas of ministry)
Fourth week
of each month
Deeper group (with same people as your missional community)
Fifth week of the month (if there is one)
Deeper group (with same people as your missional community)

Upcoming missional community dates. (Please note the 4th Sunday in June is the church weekend away click here for more details)

Sunday 28 April
10:30amMissional Community at Gerard... @ At Gerard & Vicki Parsons home
Sunday 28 April
10:30amCollective Hope Missional... @ Meeting at Pat's house
Sunday 26 May
10:30amMissional Community Gatherings @ Various locations
Sunday 23 June
10:30amMissional Community Gatherings @ Various locations
Sunday 28 July
10:30amMissional Community Gatherings @ Various locations
Sunday 25 August
10:30amMissional Community Gatherings @ Various locations